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Introducing the YMCA

The McCrorey YMCA objective is to positively impact the wellbeing of students, after school staff and families. By practicing mindful awareness in the classroom, students and after school staff can reduce their stress, while improving their ability to focus and engage with the curriculum. Inner Explorer and McCrorey YMCA offer access to daily audio-guided mindful practices, as well as educator training and mentoring for every center and family in the learning community. The collective seeks to address four key goals: provide daily mindful practice as a proven preventative wellness measure, improve cognitive development, build resilience through local expertise and capacity through educator training and mentoring programs, and link home and school through family participation.

Provide Mental Health Support

Explorer eDDITION

YMCA Charlotte and Inner Explorer recognize the value of increasing access to stress reducing, mindful awareness resources. Inner Explorer provides evidence-based wellness resources through daily practices to help combat the growing number of youth mental wellness concerns nationally.

Promote Academic Achievement

Community ADDITION

We are committed to cultivating a learning community that stimulates cognitive development while closing the achievement gap. Inner Explorer’s program positively impacts students' ability to think critically in school and in life. Implementing just 10 minutes of daily mindfulness practice in the classroom offers a sustainable way to improve cognitive development.

Build Local

district ADDITION

Mccrorey YMCA seeks to foster resilience by building local mindful expertise and capacity by access to training and mentoring programs. When everyone in the community understands and practices mindfulness, it positively impacts well-being and culture.

Engage Families in Daily Practice

Explorer eDDITION

We encourage families to participate in the same stress reduction practices their children are hearing in the classroom. A shared practice offers caregivers an opportunity to experience the benefits of daily mindfulness.

Why Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the fundamental human ability to be present, manage emotional reactions to stressful situations and everyday surroundings. Over 9,000 studies prove the benefits of daily mindfulness for children and adults. A growing number of these studies focus on how it can improve overall well-being, school culture, and cognitive development.

Enhances Mental Health

Daily mindfulness is a proven countermeasure to chronic stress, which is often associated with Mental Wellness concerns. Mindfulness teaches effective strategies to calm the central nervous system (CNS) and attenuate the body's natural fight/flight/freeze stress response.

Improves Learning

Integrating mindfulness prepares members to focus and learn. Classrooms that practice daily report a 28% increase in Math grades, a 21% increase in Science grades, and a 15% increase in average G.P.A.

Cultivates Lifelong Skills

Mindfulness teaches valuable skills such as self-awareness and emotional regulation. As a result, members and adults learn how to manage big emotions healthily, and treat one another with empathy and compassion.

An Opportunity For All Michigan Students And Families To Experience Mindful Wellbeing

Join the Initiative

School and center staff can access the Inner Explorer Program – a series of 180 daily mindfulness practices aligned with the school year, a Summer Series, and additional extension activities – by filling out their club information in the “For Staff” tab.

Families can get started using the InnerExplorer HOME app, a companion mobile app with mindfulness practices available in English or Spanish. Register by filling out your school information in the "For Families" tab.

Learn More

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The Impact of Mindfulness

About Our Partners

The Metro Atlanta Mindfulness Collective partners include Inner Explorer, YMCA, GreenLight Fund Atlanta, the Hawks and blank foundation. We invite you to learn more about our partners by visiting their websites linked below.

If your organization is interested in getting involved in the Metro Atlanta Mindfulness Collection, please email Royal Phillips, rphillips@innerexplorer.org.


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