
Just Press Play.

To address the challenges of youth mental health, learning recovery, teacher retention, and school safety

Over 1/3 of youth ages 12-17 report feeling persistently sad or hopeless. According to the Nation's Report Card: Scores declined for most states in reading and math. 55% of educators are thinking about leaving the profession. 300 school shootings occurred in 2022.

Chronic stress blocks learning. Inner Explorer's daily, audio-guided Mindfulness-Based SEL programs for PreK-12th grade foster healthy brain development and buffer against stress and anxiety for students and educators.

Only 5-10 Minutes Per Day
Simple, Scalable, Cost-Effective

inner explorer
Up to 28% Higher Grades In Reading, Math and Science

When students can focus and attend to learning, they perform better academically.

43% Decrease In Teacher Stress

Educators practice along with the students for improved well-being.

60% Decrease In Behavioral Issues

Daily practice strengthens the pre-frontal cortex for better emotional regulation and self management.

With innerExplorer
Your District Can Save


Per year assuming 100 Schools in your District has implemented Inner Explorer

130 Schools 1 500

% Suspension Rate

% Teacher Attrition Rate

% Chronic Absentee Rate

Learn how we estimate your savings

Inner Explorer Program Features

Inner Explorer

mbsel logo Age Appropriate MBSEL Practices

Inner Explorer's CASEL approved PreK-12th grade programs cultivate all the core competencies of social emotional learning without burdensome curriculum and from the 'inside out'. Formatted on the renowned Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction protocol.

audio guided Audio-Guided Format

No prep, planning or training required. 180 5-10 minute daily practices mapped to the school year allow educators to practice along with students.

langauge Culturally Intentional

Available in English and Spanish and with diverse narrators.

langauge Family Access

Unique Tune In feature provides transparency as parents and caregivers can listen in realtime to practices taking place in the classroom to bridge school to home. Families can also get full access to all four age-apropriate programs for use at home.

inner explorer Educator Wellbeing Series

Designed specifically for educators to use whenever they choose to reduce their stress and feel appreciated.

inner explorer Counselor Series

Designed for use with students one on one or in small groups. Also ideal for use in restorative practices. Extension activities included.

innerexplorer Summer/Out of School Time Series

In addition to the daily mindful practice, this series includes activities ideal for summer school and after-school programs.

inner explorer School Safety Series: Settle & Soothe

Any kind of drill can be unsettling, but especially active shooter drills and lockdowns which leave students, staff and families anxious, stressed and fearful. Practices are provided to help calm the nervous system and get out of "Fight, Flight, Freeze." The drill isn't over until you Settle & Soothe with Inner Explorer.


We’ve created our mindfulness in school programs Using the latest scientific research in cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology. We’ve also fine-tuned the approach over the past five years with direct feedback and guidance from thousands of teachers, administrators and students. Our programs address the major challenges many school systems face, including academic performance, graduation rates, discipline problems, school climate and bullying. Additionally, our programs are simple to implement and cost effective, so they can be rolled out quickly to deliver significant improvements in student achievement. The Inner Explorer program does not require extensive outside training or facilitator. The "Press Play" format allows for immediate access to the program as teachers and students listen to the guided daily practice together. We offer a parent/caretaker "Tune In" so they can listen to the same program as their children each day. There is also a home edition for practice at home or summer use to maintain continuity throughout the year. This allows families to not only practice together, but also bridges home and school. Most importantly, our programs help children become more compassionate, responsible and productive citizens.

Inner Explorer has three editions. The Explorer Edition is for $1400 per school per year. The Community Edition for $2100 per school per year and the District Version (quotes provided upon request).

As defined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL): Social and emotional learning (SEL) is “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”

Inner Explorer provides Mindfulness-Based Social Emotional Learning (MBSEL) programs for preschool through high school classrooms. An MBSEL evidence-based curriculum develops similar values to a traditional SEL curriculum, but the method is entirely different. An MBSEL program helps the children embody the lessons in a holistic and integrated way. By allowing the children to connect with their direct experiences, they learn to value their capacities, their potential and their voice. Values including compassion, kindness, self-control, enthusiasm, openness and tolerance spring naturally from this process. MBSEL provides the foundation for “Readiness to Learn” and for other SEL initiatives.

The practice of mindfulness has gained much popularity, especially in recent years, as its application proved valuable in fields ranging from the medical community to education and the military. This mainstream popularity has fueled even more research into mindfulness practices. Scientific research clearly supports and documents the benefits of mindfulness to improve not only health and well-being, but also the brain in particular. Brain science tells us that the brain actually has a ‘plastic’ quality called neuroplasticity that allows the brain matter to change under certain conditions. What is significant about this is that whereas we previously thought the brain was fixed, especially by a certain age, we now know that, with mindfulness practice, the grey matter in the brain changes to foster improved function in the areas of the brain that regulate learning, memory, compassion, empathy and stress.

Further, our bodies were designed to respond to stressful situations in our lives with either fight or flight, or what is typically called the “fight or flight” response. When we are in ‘fight or flight’ our muscles tense, our breathing and heart rate increases as our blood pressure rises. While this worked very well when we were hunters and gatherers, activation of the ‘fight or flight’ response on a daily basis, often multiple times throughout the day, leads to unhealthy stress levels. Dr. Herbert Benson, of Harvard coined the term ‘relaxation response’ to describe what is known as the antidote to ‘flight or fight’. Practices such as mindfulness assist us in evoking the relaxation response and when we practice mindfulness, our muscles relax, breathing and heart rates slow down and our blood pressure tends to decrease. In response, our bodies create less cortisol, the stress hormone, which further promotes a sense of calm and well-being.

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